Virkkaa matto vanhoista vaatteista

Virkkaa matto vanhoista vaatteista.

Mitä tehdä kaikilla niille vaatteille joita ei enää käytetä. Hyväkuntoiset laitetaan kiertoon, mutta entä ne joissa on tahroja tai reikiä.

On niin vaikea heittää vaatetta roskiin varsinkin jos vaatteeseen liittyy paljon muistoja.

Recycle your old clothes

What to do with all those old clothes? Many off them involves so many memories.
I had lot of old children's clothes and even those were too small and maybe in bad condition still I didn't want to throw them away because of the sentimental value. So I made a rug out of them.
Ones my daughter was asking where is her pink t-shirt. I pointed out one stripe and said: there it is. She was happy.
Best material for this kind of rug is tricot and fleece.

Minä ratkaisin ongelman virkkaamalla maton vanhoista vaatteista.
Parhaiten matonkuteeksi sopivat trikoovaatteet joissa on hiukan elastaania. Myös fleese sopii hyvin.

Mattoon tarvitset:
Valitse matton materiaaliksi paljon vaaleita vaatteita ja joitain tummemman sävyisiä. Pienetkin sävyerot näkyvät valmiissa matossa. Pyri sävyissä väriharmoniaan. Voit laitta vaattee vierekkäin sävyjä valitettaessasi jolloin sopimattmattomat värit on helppo huomata. Voit käyttä yksivarisiä, raidallisia ja kuviollisia vaatteita.
Langan leikkaaminenn on iso työ. Langan paksuus tulisi olla mahdollisimman sama. Langan paksuuteen vaikuttaa leikatun nauhan paksuus, materiaalin paksuus ja kankaan venyminen.
Leikka nauhaa esim. teepaidasta alla olevan kuvan mukaisesti.

Materials you will need for the rag rug
For the rug choose lot off light colored old clothes and some with stronger shade. Even small change of the tint will give impression in the rug. Use clothes with pattern as well. You can put the clothes next to the others and see if the colours are in harmony. The main thing is that warmers of the colours are the same.
Leikka ensin pois kaikki saumat. Aloita nauhan leikkaaminen punaisen nuolen kohdalta. Leikkaa 1,5-2 cm levyistä nauhaa (usein kangas venyy enemmän vaakasuunnassa joten nauhan on hyvä olla leveämpää). Leikkaa pois terävät kulmat( merkattu kuvaan harmaalla). Paksumpien materiaalien kanssa leikkaa nauhasta kapeampaa.

Cutting the rag yarn a big job. Thickness of the yarn should be mainly the same. While cutting you need to keep an eye on stretching of the knitting to get as homogeneity yarn as possibly.Cutting the yarn from t-shirt (see the picture). Cut off all seams. Start from the red arrow and cut out a 1,5-2 centimeters width band( often when cutting horizontal the fabric is stretching bit more so the band needs to be thicker).Cut off all sharp corners ( in the picture painted with grey). When using thicker fabrics like pike or fleece the band can be cut to 1 cm width.

Tarvitset myös
Virkkuukouku kokoa 8 mm ja lehmän hermot
Also you will need
Hook 8-10 mm

Matto virkataan spiraalina kiinteillä silmukoilla.
Vaihda lanka kun vanhaa lankaa on jäljellä noin 10 cm. Virkkaa seuraava silmukka uudella lankalla ja jätä lankojen päät kulkemaan silmukoiden sisällä.

The rug is crocheted spirally with single crochet stitches. To make rug round you need to increase the radius of the rug by adding some extra stitches every now and then. Make a loop and do 5 chain stitches. Close up the chain in to a ring by making slip stitch to the first chain stitch.

Aloita virkkaamalla 5 ketjusilmukkaa aloitus ketjuksi. Sulje ketju renkaaksi piilosilmukalla.

1. kerros: Virkkaa 7 kiinteää silmukkaa(KS) ketjusilmukka renkaaseen.
2. kerros: Virkkaa 2 KS jokaiseen edellisen krs:n silmukkaan = 14 s.
3. kerros: Virkkaa *1 KS seuraavaan ja 2 KS* seuraavaan edellisen krs:n silmukkaan. Toista*-* vielä 6 kertaa =21s.
4. kerros: Virkkaa 1 KS seuraavaan edellisen krs:n silmukkaan ja *2 KS seuraavaan ja 1 seuraavaan edellisen krs silmukkaan * Toista *-* vielä 10 kertaa= 31 s.
5. kerros: *Virkkaa 1 KS seuraavaan edellisen krs:n silmukkaan ja  2 KS seuraavaan *. Toista *-* vielä 14 kertaa. Virkkaa vielä 1 KS seuraavaan edellisen krs:n silmukkaan. =46 s.
6. kerros: Virkkaa 1 KS jokaiseen edellisen krs:n silmukkaan. =46 s
7. kerros: Virkkaa *1 KS seuraavaan edellisen krs:n silmukkaan ja 2 KS seuraavaan*. Toista *-* vielä 14 kertaa. Virkkaa 1 KS seuraavaan silmukkaan.=61 s. Ø≈24,5 cm
8. kerros: Virkkaa 1 KS jokaiseen edellisen krs:n silmukkaan. =61 s
9. kerros: Virkkaa * 1 KS seuraavaan edellisen krs:n silmukkaan, 2 KS seuraavaan ja 1 KS seuraavaan *. Toista *-* vielä 19 times. Virkkaa vielä 1 KS seuraavaan =81 s.
10. ja 11. kerros: Virkkaa 1 KS jokaiseen edellisen krs:n silmukkaan. =81 s.
12. kerros: Virkkaa *3 KS, 1 jokaiseen edellisen krs:n silmukkaan ja 2 KS seuraavaan edellisen krs:n silmukkaan ja 1 KS seuraavaan *. Toista *-* vielä 19 kertaa. Virkkaa vielä 1 KS =101:es. Ø≈39 cm
13 and 14 th rnd:Crochet 101 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =101:es.
15 th rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 19 times.Crochet 1 single crochet stitches into next stitch =121:es. Ø≈51 cm
16 and 17 th rnd:Crochet 121 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =121:es.
18 th rnd:Crochet *2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row*. Repeat *-* again 23 times.Crochet 2 single crochet stitches into next stitch and 1 into next =148:es.
19 , 20 and 21 rnd:Crochet 148 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =148:es. Ø≈67 cm
22 nd rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 23 times.Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row=172:es.
23 , 24, 25 and 26 rnd:Crochet 172 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =172:es. Ø≈82cm
27 nd rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and *2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 9 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 15 times.Crochet 6 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row=188:es.
28 and 29 rnd:Crochet 188 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =188:es.
30 th rnd:Crochet *2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and crochet 7 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row*. Repeat *-* again 22 times. Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =211:es. Ø≈95cm
31st, 32nd and 33 th rnd:Crochet 211 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =211:es.
34 th rnd:Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row and *crochet 2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and 9 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row *. Repeat *-* again 20 times. Crochet 6 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =232:es.
35 th, 36 th and 36 th rnd: Crochet 232 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =232:es.
37 th rnd: *Crochet 2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and 9 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row *. Repeat *-* again 23 times. Crochet 2 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =255:es.
38 th and 39 th rnd: Crochet 255 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =255:es. Ø≈122 cm

1 st round :Crochet 7 single crochet stitches around the ring.
2 nd rnd: Crochet 2 single crochet stitches into each stitch on the previous row = 14 s:es.
When your yarn is ending take a yarn while you still have 10 cm long tail left of the old yarn. Crochet next stitch whit new yarn and leave both tails run inside next stitches.
3 th rnd: Crochet *1 single crochet stitch into next stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one*. Repeat *-* again 6 times =21s:es.
4 th rnd: Crochet 1 single crochet stitch into next stitch on the previous row and *2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 10 times =31s:es.
5 th rnd:Crochet *1 single crochet stitch into next stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one*. Repeat *-* again 14 times. Crochet 1 single crochet stitches in to next one =46s:es.
6 th rnd:Crochet 46 single crochet stitch. 1 stitches into evry stitch on the previous row=46
7 th rnd:Crochet *1 single crochet stitch into next stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 14 times.Crochet 1 single crochet stitches into next stitch =61:es.Ø≈24,5 cm
8 th rnd:Crochet 61single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =61:es.
9 th rnd:Crochet *1 single crochet stitch into next stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 19 times.Crochet 1 single crochet stitches into next stitch =81:es.
10 and 11 th rnd:Crochet 81 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =81:es.
12 th rnd:Crochet *3 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 19 times.Crochet 1 single crochet stitches into next stitch =101:es. Ø≈39 cm
13 and 14 th rnd:Crochet 101 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =101:es.
15 th rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 19 times.Crochet 1 single crochet stitches into next stitch =121:es. Ø≈51 cm
16 and 17 th rnd:Crochet 121 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =121:es.
18 th rnd:Crochet *2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row*. Repeat *-* again 23 times.Crochet 2 single crochet stitches into next stitch and 1 into next =148:es.
19 , 20 and 21 rnd:Crochet 148 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =148:es. Ø≈67 cm
22 nd rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 23 times.Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row=172:es.
23 , 24, 25 and 26 rnd:Crochet 172 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =172:es. Ø≈82cm
27 nd rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and *2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 9 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 15 times.Crochet 6 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row=188:es.
28 and 29 rnd:Crochet 188 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =188:es.
30 th rnd:Crochet *2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and crochet 7 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row*. Repeat *-* again 22 times. Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =211:es. Ø≈95cm
31st, 32nd and 33 th rnd:Crochet 211 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =211:es.
34 th rnd:Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row and *crochet 2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and 9 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row *. Repeat *-* again 20 times. Crochet 6 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =232:es.
35 th, 36 th and 36 th rnd: Crochet 232 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =232:es.
37 th rnd: *Crochet 2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and 9 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row *. Repeat *-* again 23 times. Crochet 2 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =255:es.
38 th and 39 th rnd: Crochet 255 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =255:es. Ø≈122 cm

13 and 14 th rnd:Crochet 101 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =101:es.
15 th rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 19 times.Crochet 1 single crochet stitches into next stitch =121:es. Ø≈51 cm
16 and 17 th rnd:Crochet 121 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =121:es.
18 th rnd:Crochet *2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row*. Repeat *-* again 23 times.Crochet 2 single crochet stitches into next stitch and 1 into next =148:es.
19 , 20 and 21 rnd:Crochet 148 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =148:es. Ø≈67 cm
22 nd rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and 2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 1 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 23 times.Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row=172:es.
23 , 24, 25 and 26 rnd:Crochet 172 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =172:es. Ø≈82cm
27 nd rnd:Crochet *4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row and *2 single crochet stitches in to next one and 9 single crochet stitches into next *. Repeat *-* again 15 times.Crochet 6 single crochet stitches, 1 into every stitch on the previous row=188:es.
28 and 29 rnd:Crochet 188 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =188:es.
30 th rnd:Crochet *2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and crochet 7 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row*. Repeat *-* again 22 times. Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =211:es. Ø≈95cm
31st, 32nd and 33 th rnd:Crochet 211 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =211:es.
34 th rnd:Crochet 4 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row and *crochet 2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and 9 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row *. Repeat *-* again 20 times. Crochet 6 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =232:es.
35 th, 36 th and 36 th rnd: Crochet 232 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =232:es.
37 th rnd: *Crochet 2 single crochet stitches in to next stitch on the previous row and 9 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row *. Repeat *-* again 23 times. Crochet 2 single crochet stitches, 1 into every one on the previous row =255:es.
38 th and 39 th rnd: Crochet 255 single crochet stitches. 1 stitch into every stitch on the previous row =255:es. Ø≈122 cm

Novitan Tuubi-langasta virkattu suorakaiteen muotoinen matto. Matto on selkeälinjainen ja sopii hyvin moderniin kotiin. Ohjeen mattoon voit tilata Napittomasta, hinta on 2,5 euroa.

3 kommenttia:

  1. Kiitos selkeistä ohjeista!! Seuraava matto tehdään tämän mukaan :)

  2. Kyllä vain, kinnasneuloja saa toki jälleenmyyntiin ottaa. Pistäpä viestiä sähköpostiini, niin jutellaan tarkemmin, osoitteeni on parsinneula (at) Kiva ohje, btw!

  3. Aivan ihana tuo pyöreä matto. Kuinka leveää räsyä leikkasit mattoon?
